Wednesday, March 07, 2007


It is a really cold day here, I think between -29 to -35 with the windchill, and I am still killing mosquitos in my house! How is this possible, I must kill at least one every other day. I don't know where they are coming from, and it is really startng to annoy me. Shouldn't they have all dissappeared months ago? So weird, stupid bugs, but at least it's not earwigs!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

7 Weeks To Go!

For some reason I thought it was 42 weeks for a full term pregnancy, not 40. I guess all the reading I've been doing hasn't helped my math skills. It's been a long 33 weeks, not the most enjoyable as some people would say, I found most of it rather rough. I'm at the stage now where I can barely put socks on, tying my shoes is very difficult so my Crocks come in handy but impractical when trudging through the snow. Sometimes I would like some sort of pully system to help me out of bed or off the couch and neither of these can be done without making some sort of grunting noise. The baby, I call Peanut, must be getting bigger stronger because sometimes the kicks kinda hurt. I don't have one of those cute pregnant bellies, I just look and feel huge and my belly button hasn't even popped out yet. Not much longer though. If nothing else I'm totally inspired to get back in shape, I don't like wadding around and struggling to bend over. It'll be nice to paint my toenails again, or just see them!

Long Time No Blog

Well I thought I'd start blogging again since I do have some extra time on my hands. I am watching Bridget Jones' Diary again even though I watched part if it last night, so funny. So a lot has happened since my last time writing, let's see. I got married, got pregnant, sold my house, moved accross the country back home, lived with my parents for a few months while we gutted and rebuilt our new house and finally moved in. Wow eh, yeah lots going on with me. Unfortunately I'm living with only the dog while Andy returned out west for two months to make some better money. He'll be back three weeks before I'm due, so it's cutting it a little close. Things are good here, it's so nice to be back to PEI. But definately different since I'm now pregnant, no going out to parties very often, the typical weekend thing to do here, but I'll have time to do that sort of thing later on.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

wedding stuff

Wedding Stuff

Well whoever thought planning a wedding took a lot of work. I guess I didn't really realize it until I actually had to do stuff. My mom and sister are taking care of a lot of things for me, but I decided I would do the invitaions and stuff. I went to the knot and have been doing a lot of stuff on there. I made a webpage and all that which took a while too, then I sent Save the Date emails and stuff. These confused some people and I don't think everyone I thought I sent them to got it. Oh well, I think it's cool. Except the picture I used, it's ok, but I think my head looks gynormous!
So this weekend I was doing the invitaions, response cards and envelopes. Not remembering how to change margins, sure made me feel dumb, and was a little time consuming, but eventually I figured it out. So I finished writing up teh invitaions and reponse cards and sent them to my mom to proof read. The invitaion looked good, but she noticed that on an email address to RSVP to, I instead of .com. Phew, thanks goodness she noticed that!
So I got everything printed and I got Andy stuffing all the envelopes with an invitaion and response card, and then we started licking them. (why don't card makers make teh glue on envelopes taste better?? just an idea) Then we finished, and I started counting them and I had this horrible thought about putting the wrong addresses, then I remembered that I did make the change from .ca to .com. But my O.C.D forced me to check just to make sure. That's when I saw that I, indeed, had put in the wrong address; I missed a letter in my mom's email address. Oh no! I couldn't believe it, all the evelopes are ready to be mailed and I find this. Crap! If you are RSVPing, don't RSVP to my mom's address. I just couldn't open them all and fix the little typo and print new ones, so yeah, I may not get all my RSVP's. I'm such an idiot! Oh well!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Big news!

I am getting married!!!YAY
And my mom said she'd never marry me off!! haha
I think it'll be this summer, maybe the 1st of July. I am so excited and I have the best wedding planner in the whole world, my sister! She has everything organized already, it's awesome! She totally rocks!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Week One, Day One

Well my first official training day was yesterday. I am excited about this marathon training actually... we'll see how I feel in a few weeks time, but for now I am lookinf forward to running. Yesterday was only three miles, but it is a good starting point. It took me 36 minutes. I'm not sure if I'm going at a good pace, but it will do for now. I got on the treadmill at the gym and Entertainment Tonight was on, then ET Canada, so I was very entertained. I just couldn't wait to see how Tonya Harding's makeover went...NOT! Tonight four miles.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Long time no see... me

Well hi,
I have been trying to update my blog for a bit, but not having the greatest memory, I forgot my username and password which made things a little difficult. Well I finally managed to remember and now I'm back. I am at work actually and I'm really bored. I have about an hour left and then I'm off to the gym. I have decided to train to run a marathon, mostly because my sister is. I don't want to be outdone, so I took up the crazy challenge too. I haven't quite started to train but I'm training to train, I'll start next week I think. Yes, I'll start next week. I am really nervous about it. But, I try and think of that moment when, I cross the finish line and puke, no not that moment, the moment after that when I feel a huge sense of accomplishment, and pride. The pride part may be difficult if I still have puke on me, but oh well.
Let's see, what else is new with me. Oh, I turned 29 on the 7th! Yep, the big ol 2-9, Yikes! I made it down to the Bowling Alley for a few socialbles. Drinks are good, but free drinks on your birthday are even better!
I had a conversation with a guy I work with on Friday, I was saying I couldn't wait to go home, grab a beer and hop in the shower. He looked at me like I was crazy, and asked me if I really took the beer in the shower. So I looked at him like he was crazy. He's never had a drink in the shower and he couldn't understand why I wouldn't just wait the five minutes and drink it after the shower. I couldn't believe he's never had a drink in the shower! I have long hair, it never takes me five minutes to shower, and I get thirsty too. But yeah, we polled the office and noticed that only the maritimers tend to do this. We are the smart ones I guess. What's better than a hot steamy shower and a nice frosty bevy, doesn't really matter what kind it is. I do it all the time!
Well I haven't done a heck of a lot this afternoon. I went to the google maps and looked at my house on the satellite, then my parents house, then my aunt's house, then my work, then Charlottetown, then Calgary. Then I closed google by accident and couldn't be bothered looking at maps anymore. I'm bored, 20 minutes to go now. Guess I better go, want to check my emails, before I go.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Does anyone miss Seinfeld? I do. I think when I get paid, I may have to buy a dvd of Seinfeld. I just got back from the bowling alley(I'm checking all my spelling mistakes as I go so I don't look like I had too much wine) Close talker, Elaine crazy dancing, Kramer's shower, George yelling. I miss it all. Too bad they don't play the reruns on A&E or Discovery.